...Simple Steps to Successful Parenting
Pretending Shopping Can Teach

Set up a pretend shop using packaging and have your child buy the items.
This activity caters well to different aged children
Introducing new knowledge & terminology can be done over time
The game is open ended and the complexity can be increased by adding more props
Level 1 (2-4 years olds)
The Shopper pays for individual items one at a time with claps which they count into the shop keepers hand.
Maths Skills:
Rote counting
1:1 correlation
Language Terminology:
more, too much, pay, your change, enough, not enough, keep going, stop, buy, buying, sell, selling

Level 2 (3-4 year olds)
The Shopper uses a number of tokens or coins and counts them out to complete the purchase.
Maths Skills:
Rote counting
1:1 correlation
Language Terminology: New: coins, dollars,purse, wallet, price, correct
more, too much, pay, your change, enough, not enough, keep going, stop, buy, buying, sell, selling
Level 3 (4-6 years)
The Shopper matches the numeral on the coin, or token, to the price written on the item. They can also refer to a pre-prepared price chart.
This requires prices to be written onto boxes. For younger children you can add the number of dots any number would represent. This also scaffolds self-correcting and independent play.
Maths Skills:
Rote counting
1:1 correlation
Linking a symbol to represent a numerical amount
Beginning numeral recognition
Language Terminology: New: number, chart, price
more, too much, pay, your change, enough, not enough, keep going, stop, buy, buying, sell, selling, coins, dollars,purse, wallet, price, correct
You could add dots next to amounts scaffolding learning for younger kids

If you don't have plastic foods use photos or real foods with sticker prices on them.


Level 3 (4-6 years)
The Shopper uses a shopping list (they can write their own if you provide a model) to locate items and pay for items individually.
For younger children you can draw the amount of items (e.g. 2 apples instead of just one , 5 oranges, etc)
Maths Skills:
Rote counting
1:1 correlation
Numeral recognition
Linking a symbol to represent a numerical amount
Language Terminology: New: list, items, match, matching, same amount, cost the same, correct amount, less than, more than
more, too much, pay, your change, enough, not enough, keep going, stop, buy, buying, sell, selling, coins, dollars,purse, wallet, price, correct, number, chart, price
N.B. Money can pose a choking hazard. You need to ensure that children do not put money in their mouths and supervise to ensure their safety.
Level 4 (6-8 Years)
The Shopper uses real or pretend money and supplies the correct amount.
Maths Skills:
Rote counting
1:1 correlation
Numeral recognition
Linking a symbol to represent a numerical amount
Recognizing and using real money
Becoming aware of equal values of money using different coins
Adding to make particular amounts
Language Terminology: New: gold, silver, worth more, worth less, compare, add together to equal
more, too much, pay, your change, enough, not enough, keep going, stop, buy, buying, sell, selling, coins, dollars, purse, wallet, price, correct, number, chart, price, list, items, match, matching, same amount, cost the same, correct amount, less than, more than

Level 5 (7+ Years)
The child becomes the shopkeeper and has to tally the total and then supply correct amounts of change.
Maths Skills:
Rote counting
1:1 correlation
Numeral recognition
Linking a symbol to represent a numerical amount
Recognizing and using real money
Becoming aware of equal values of money using different coins
Adding to make particular amounts
Subtracting to make particular amounts
Language Terminology: New: total, tally, add, subtract, give the correct change, lots of, multiplied by
more, too much, pay, your change, enough, not enough, keep going, stop, buy, buying, sell, selling, coins, dollars, purse, wallet, price, correct, number, chart, price, list, items, match, matching, same amount, cost the same, correct amount, less than, more than, gold, silver, worth more, worth less, compare, add together to equal
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This website provides examples of what worked for me over decades and you are welcome to use these ideas as you see fit but you do so at your own risk. Best Parenting Advice.com does not provide any guarantee that this information will work in every circumstance with every family or with every child. It is your responsibility as a user of this website to ensure that you adhere to any recommended safety suggestions either implicit or explicit on this site and supervise your children while playing any games suggested. Similarly users of this website are advised to follow any recommendations for seeking professional advice as all information on this site is generic. Best Parenting Advice.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with any other groups, clubs, religious organizations or educational systems.
Best parenting takes time. The best parenting advice ever is simple: Do your best, don't give up and love your children, no matter what.