...Simple Steps to Successful Parenting
What's Funny About Teaching in Tough Schools...
​WARNING: These stories contain adult themes.

6 cheeky short stories:
For Links To Other Funny Story Pages
1. Some Things Never Change.
Two retired teachers were watching the news as the twenty-year-old's name was read out on the news.
The service station robbery was quick. A guy in a balaclava ran into the shop, pulled a knife, demanded money.
Then he raced back to his vehicle where his mate still had the car revving. They roared off. He knew he was safe. He'd changed his number plates so there was no chance of identifying him.
Or was there?
In the back window of the vehicle was a 'For Sale' sign. And on the bottom of the sign was the driver's phone number.
'One of my ex-students,' said the retired teacher. 'Some things never change...'
2. What Do You Do...
It was a high school sex education class and children were watching how to put a condom on, over a banana.
The embarrassed young casual-teacher was relieved when one of the girls finally told everyone to 'shut up.'
And the girl continued, in another show of kindness. 'Do you want me to do it for yer Miss?' she asked. 'They're not game to give me a hard time.'
The teacher shook her head, but soon changed her mind when the comments started up again.
'Okay,' she said. 'You can do it.'
Rookie error.
The girl student then proceeded to put the condom over the banana... with her mouth.
3. Teaching in a Gaol
It was a lesson on perspective and the huge bikie inmate was having trouble making his drawing of a shed look like the real thing.
‘What’s wrong with it?' He slammed his hand on the desk. 'I can’t get mine to look anything like it!’
The rest of the class felt the shift. He was the guy in the group no one wanted angry.
The teacher wandered over to check it out. He shrugged. ‘Maybe you just can’t draw for ####!' And walked away.
The room iced over.
But then the bikie shrugged, grinned & said, ‘And I thought you were supposed to encourage me.’
And both he and the teacher roared with laughter.

4. I Don’t Need Maths
The teacher was trying to teach a unit on equivalent factions and amounts to a high school student.
‘I don’t need to know this measurement stuff. I’m gonna be a drug dealer like me bruvva when I grow up,’ said Jayston.
‘Well if you're going to be a 'successful' drug dealer you really need to know exactly how grams and ounces work,’ his teacher replied with a smile.
5. I'm Tired
It was the third time 'Jayston' had fallen asleep in class.
He was her youngest student and Miss Gentle was worried about him. 'I don't understand why you're so tired,' Miss Gentle asked. 'You fell asleep in class last week as well.'
Jayston sighed. 'I had to go out to work wiff me dad again. He wakes me up when he needs me.'
'Yes, I know you're helping your dad, but why does he need 'you' when he could get a grown up instead? Maybe one of his mates could help out next time. You told me it was two in the morning last time he got you up.'
'Yeh I know. And I said vat to him. But he said his mates are all too big to fit frew ver windows...'
6. Bandanna Boy (Don't Judge a Book...)
There were just two of us in the street. And even though it was broad daylight and I shouldn't feel scared, I was clearly the youth's target.
As he crossed the road to walk directly at me, I clutched my handbag, tight.
Is he going to rob me?
Megadeath T-shirt, black homey pants, kick-your-head-in boots, black bandanna. Trouble oozed from every pore.
My heart was pounding in my chest. I steeled myself for an attack. He stopped right in front of me. He stared.
'Hello Mrs Kinder,' he said. 'Remember me?'
Memories of him flooded over me. He was the only child who'd ever said the 'magic' word to me.
I wondered if he could feel my heart racing as he wrapped his arms around me and said, 'You were always my favourite.'
Sometimes in teaching, (just like in many other helping professions) if you didn't laugh you'd cry.
And on some days you do both.
If you have a friend who's a teacher, share these stories with them. They may have a funny story to share too.
For more funny stories go to the following links:​
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DISCLAIMER: Any similarities in the stories on this page, to people living or deceased, are purely co-incidental... After all, you never let the truth spoil a good story.
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This site provides examples of what worked for me over decades and you are welcome to use these ideas as you see fit but you do so at your own risk. Best Parenting Advice.com does not provide any guarantee that this information will work in every circumstance with every family or with every child. It is your responsibility as a user of this site to ensure that you adhere to any recommended safety suggestions either implicit or explicit on this site and supervise your children while playing any games suggested. Similarly users of this site are advised to follow any recommendations for seeking professional advice as all information on this site is generic. Best Parenting Advice.com is not affiliated with any other groups, clubs, religious organizations or educational systems.
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