...Simple Steps to Successful Parenting
About the Author

Even with all the child-raising knowledge I had acquired as an early childhood teacher, over years, I doubted my ability to get through everything I had to do, every day, as a mum... How could I be a successful mum, partner, friend, teacher, home organiser, cook, cleaner, etc and still be nice to know?
Some days motherhood was great. Some days were awful and some days were just plain crazy. It was the tough days however, that inspired the writing of this website. This is the website I wished, had existed, for me. And I genuinely hope it helps you.
And it's only because I want you to know the information on this site is credible, I share the following personal information with you about me...
From when I met my first teacher, Miss Jones, I knew that was what I wanted to become. I received a scholarship and years later received multiple awards, the highest being from the Australian Minister for Education: Excellence as a Teacher: Outstanding National Achievement.
But what made the biggest difference to my success was, I was blessed with quality mentors along the way who let me learn from them. I've created this parent mentoring site so I can share what took me over 40000 hours to learn and refine.
I've run workshops for Beginning Teachers through to Highly Accomplished Teachers. I've also run parenting workshops, and provided one-on-one advice to parents over decades. This is the website I wish I could have referred parents to for practical information that works.
But what I advised others to do, also worked with my own kids at home. I have two sons who achieved their own goals. One is a specialist doctor who graduated with Distinction and now works in a spinal unit. The other a senior engineer (who received multiple merit-based scholarships/ cadetships while training,) and now works mentoring other engineers.
Our children are living proof that the strategies we used, worked for a busy, full-time working couple.
And sometimes life didn't make it easy...
My husband had a life-changing accident when my kids were young, that left him deemed legally blind.
And just like many of you may be going through now, we had a huge mortgage, massive medical bills and little money (because it initially knocked me out of the workforce to care for him.)
The strategies I devised then, enabled me to work full-time, him to work full-time (after being redeployed) and freed up time, and money, so we could still have a quality life.

​Recalling when my children were growing up, other parents sometimes commented that I "must spend lots of time helping my kids at home," because they'd observed my kids were both clever, and motivated. But I know I didn’t spend more time teaching my kids, than other supportive parents did.
But I did do something a little differently. I provided a fun learning environment from birth. I'd seen how very important early childhood is to wiring the brain for all future learning. And it is because I've seen first hand how quality early learning experiences scaffold life success I've written this website.
Receiving an Outstanding National Achievement Award at Parliament House Canberra from Minister for Education.
No one tells you when you become a parent you're going fail. And that you're going to keep on failing, (with an audience,) for the rest of your life.
But, over time you'll work out failure is ok. In fact, failure is good because it means you're still trying to get it right. Failure means you're refining your parenting skills. That you've got one less mistake to make in the future.
Every day you learn something, you're getting better.
Therefore. I encourage you to learn from those who know more than you. Find a mentor. Seek out credible advice. Let the village help raise your child.
Because if you do, you'll be happier and your kids will be happier and more successful.
​Why These Resources are Free
I know what it's like to overcome multiple hardships. So I've put these resources together in the hope it helps make your life easier. Because if you're able to succeed as parents, your children are more likely to succeed too. Your family is more likely to flourish. And the ripple effect is, the more families that flourish, the stronger our society becomes. I selfishly want to live in a society where people feel successful. Because those who feel successful are less likely to erode our society from within. E.g. our drug pushers, thieves, thugs, bullies, etc.
As parents we have huge societal pressures to work, (often full-time,) provide healthy meals for our families, maintain mortgage and other payments, achieve some career success, plus... have rocking bodies, be ageless, live in a beautiful home, have a partner to die for; and somehow also have time for exotic fun-filled holidays and an exciting social life.
Little wonder we can feel inferior to the stunning social influencer with her perfect family, who appears to have it all happening. I can assure you, after years of working with thousands of families, it's all smoke and mirrors.
But on an even more fundamental level, it can also be hard to have very little money and live in fear of what will happen next. So I've shared what worked for me, in the hope you can find something to help you feel more confident.
Learning from others built a bridge to a better life, for both me, and my children. I hope it can for you.

Thank you:
Mum and Dad for loving me regardless. For showing me it was okay to take risks, make mistakes and learn. You inspired me to want to learn, to refine my knowledge and skills. To always try to do my best and to flourish.
Miss Jones: For being kind and inspiring. I wanted to be just like you
Ed C: For showing me learning could be fun
Chris: For teaching me about style
Ed T: For teaching me about social justice and the importance of ethics
Glenn: For supporting me in my early career
Sue: For teaching me about the importance of organization and how it underpins quality learning
Wendy: For teaching me: always choose kindness, choose softer ways around discipline problems
John: For believing in me, inspiring both me, & others, to build upon our strengths
Leigh: For showing me that teachers who collaborate, upskill and build each other all become better teachers
Anne Maree: For showing me how to help children feel like they were good at learning, regardless of ability
Neva: For providing me with skills on the best ways of teaching reading
Lyn: For providing clear directives and safe boundaries for children to learn well within
Kerrie: For showing me the importance of learning what is important to each child
Terrie: For showing me how to organize on a large scale
Jill: For encouraging me to strive for excellence & sharing my love of creativity and design
Cherylin: For always keeping perspective... Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Build a bridge... get over it
Narelle: For trusting me, inspiring me to do my best and giving me the freedom to flourish